2 Ways Build To Wealth Can Be For Everyone

“He believed the formula should be taught in all public schools and colleges, and expressed the opinion that if it were properly taught it would so revolutionize the entire education system that the time spent in school could be reduced to less than half.” Quoted by  Napoleon Hill – author of Think and Grow Rich, concerning Andrew Carnegie’s formula.

Andrew Carnegie’s formula, contained in Think and Grow Rich, includes these two ways to Build To Wealth.  [1] Purpose and [2] F.O.C.U.S. The Acronym comes from Robert T. Kiyosaki  – author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, his acronym stood for Follow One Course Until Successful.

When you have Purpose and Focus you will be on your way. These two things are the beginning because you will need money to build to wealth. You will need education to help you also. Negatives you will need to stay away from are: [1] Laziness [2] Negative opinions from negative people who do not want to see you succeed [3] Your own Negative thinking dragging you from your PURPOSE and stealing your F.O.C.U.S.

Every article I have written in this series, requires the reader to think and evaluate. The building will be done by the reader NOT me. I am doing my own building and you have to do your own building.

I started this series of articles to document my own personal journey to build to wealth. The vehicle I chose to use on my journey was Home Base Business. For me, Home Base Business was the sensible, logical, and affordable choice. As I have progressed on my journey, I realized that my knowledge level had increased beyond the ‘beginner’ I was.

As a result, I had to make a decision either to ‘blog’ to the beginner who is not on a journey yet OR to ‘blog’ to the people, who like me also decided to take their journey and begin to Build to Wealth. The answer lies in the beginning – [1] Purpose and [2] Focus

I wish you the best in the endeavors you will choose.

Thank you for reading

  1. Purpose and Focus, it is easier to have one and not the other, but when you have Both, watch out 🙂 Great stuff Wayne, Thanks 🙂

  2. Outstanding post!!!!

    Jim Cobb – Google Me

  3. Wayne – Good post and great series. Please write more! Sheri

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